
Common problem for creators, marketers, designers, bloggers, and editors: the struggle of finding the perfect high-quality image to elevate the work. Stock photos can be costly and often don't quite capture your vision, while free platforms like Unsplash are helpful but might not always have exactly what you need.

Imagine a world where you could generate tailor-made images that suit your specific requirements using an AI-driven platform like MidJourney. Well, the wait is over! MidJourney Version 5 is here to turn your creative dreams into reality, but we know that inspiration is key.

My collection of 101 AI-generated, photorealistic images will provide the spark you need to explore the endless possibilities offered by MidJourney. Say goodbye to settling for subpar visuals and start creating the perfect content with the help of AI and our curated collection of inspiring images!

How to use it

Note: to use this pack, you will need a MidJourney account.

If you have’t got a MidJourney account yet, go to the quick start page of MidJourney to get started:

To make the most of this asset, simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Review the images: Browse through our diverse selection of AI-generated visuals, paying close attention to the style, composition, and overall aesthetic of each image.
  2. Check the prompts: For every image, you'll find an associated prompt that was used to generate it. Take note of these prompts, as they hold the key to unlocking similar visuals for your own projects.
  3. Apply the prompts: Once you're familiar with the MidJourney platform, use the prompts from our collection to experiment and generate your own unique, photorealistic images.

By following these simple steps, you'll be well on your way to leveraging the power of AI-driven imagery in your design, marketing, and content creation projects. Enjoy!

New to MidJourney?

If this is your first time using the MidJourney platform, head over to their website( and create an account to get started. MidJourney is an AI-powered image-generating platform designed to help you bring your ideas to life through stunning visuals.

Stay tuned!

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2. Follow me on Twitter (@BearAcademy2023 and LinkedIn ( for daily tips, tricks, and ideas to boost your projects.

3. Know someone who'd love these resources? Share this with fellow content creators, designers, and marketers who could benefit from AI-generated images!